Vision Beyond Borders

. I wanted to share with you an update on the fruit that has come from the generous support of The Bolick Foundation through Vision Beyond Borders.

We have delivered 60,000 Spanish Bibles to Panama which are being distributed throughout the country. Our contacts are thrilled as the Bibles are going not only to populated cities but to mountain villages and everywhere in between. Friends of ours have been working with the Indians in the mountains who have not had the same opportunities to hear and read God’s Word. It is clear to us God is drawing these people close as many are turning to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. These people are very poor but love Jesus, they worship the Lord and pray fervently.

Just a few weeks ago, 50 Indian pastors from mountain villages joined together to pray. They decided to bring 1,000 people together to pray all night. As a result, hundreds of people came to faith in Jesus Christ. The Bolick foundation has been a great blessing to help provide over 10,000 Bibles for these people. After the recent move of God where hundreds of people came to Jesus, the leaders came to get more Bibles for the new Christians. We are grateful as they had another all-night prayer meeting at the end of February.

Bibles are going to prisons, drug rehab centers, public schools, and poor villagers. We gave out 140 Bibles to the Indians and the next day leaders representing 8-10 various ministries near Boquete came to get 7,800 more Bibles. A week later representatives of the public schools requested Bibles for children and received 1925 more Bibles. The next week a ministry delivered 1,000 Spanish Bibles to a public High School. God is changing the nation of Panama through the hunger for His Word. Our organization has been able to play a part in feeding his people due to the financial support we receive from The Bolick Foundation.

Recently, we have received reports from our contacts that Bibles are being distributed at the Darién Gap where thousands of migrants attempt to make dangerous border crossings. Even as these people flee their homes and head north God’s Word is being shared and reaching people.

We have been traveling to Cuba for over 30 years and have experienced much opposition in Customs as we have carried Bibles into the country to help the Pastors and churches that do not have access to God’s Word. Through your kind support we have been able to send over 126,000 Spanish Bibles into this Communist country. Without the support of the Bolick Foundation this would not have been possible. Spanish Bibles are going all over Cuba and many pastors from many denominations are getting God’s Word and are encouraged in their ministries. We are excited to see the hunger for God’s Word in this country that is literally failing. Gasoline is $14 per gallon, and you can only purchase 5 gallons at a time on the black market. They have no medicine and food is becoming scarce, but people are getting Bibles and receiving the hope of Jesus Christ.

We currently have a container of 98,000 Spanish Children’s story books about Jesus headed to Cuba and we are sending another 37,000 Spanish Bibles to help the Church in Cuba.


We have been sending containers of regular Spanish and Spanish Study Bibles to help the church in Colombia. A new president was elected, and he is for Communism so the Church in Colombia is praying and preparing for the future when they may have to go underground. Recently one of our Board members and a friend were in Colombia when a container of 15,000 Spanish Study Bibles arrived in Cali. There were 400 pastors waiting at 5 am to receive Study Bibles. The pastors sang worship songs and prayed together before receiving 2 cases of Study Bibles each for their church’s leadership. They are working together with 600 pastors in their city to reach Cali, Colombia with the Gospel. They have requested 4 more containers full of Bibles. Your support has really blessed and strengthened the Church in Colombia


Over the years we have seen God at work in Laos, as the church has grown from 400 in 1991 to over 250,000 today. Our teams have been working diligently to reach unreached people in the remote villages with the Gospel and we have also carried many Lao and Hmong Bibles to the growing Church. We have had several runs with the Communists over the years, while one team was imprisoned for three days, another team was detained for 10 and recently a team was detained for 6 days before getting their passports back. The police testified that they were surprised at the kindness and respect of these 6 young American men that they didn’t cancel their Lao Visas but rather invited them back to Laos.

Last December two of us carried over 100 Bibles to a Khmu Pastor and church leaders in a village where 80% of the people have become followers of Jesus Christ. There are now churches in 17 Khmu villages. Our team returned two weeks later and delivered over 400 more Bibles. The 6 men that had been detained were able to deliver more than 1,000 Bibles to the Lao Churches. Through the support of The Bolick Foundation we have sent more than 17,000 Lao Bibles in the past ten months. We are working to move the remaining 12,000 Lao Bibles into help our persecuted brothers and sisters.

Patrick T. Klein
Vision Beyond Borders

“Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father but by me.” John 14:6

Vision Beyond Borders is a faithful partner of The Bolick Foundation.