Training and Outreach

In beginning this trip, heavy storms of several kinds surrounded us. 

At Manaus, as we boarded the plane to take us west over the Amazonian forest, a turbine engine blew up before take-off. Sometimes the enemy stops us; sometimes God stops us.  It was the plane we often use from another local aviation charity, and it put us in dire straits at that time.  We prayed and waited…trying to get a Cessna.  They are expensive and if we don’t know the pilot it complicates issues because we have to be picked up at tough locations across the Amazonas State.

A donor organization had personnel that were scheduled to visit, and still wanted to come although we had tough issues on the ground.  It was a challenge prepping them with what was happening, and we were praying it would not influence our relationship with them as this had happened two days prior.

God answered prayer!  He provided a small single engine Cessna that we sent out to pick up church-planters from deep within the Amazon Basin.

These pastors pay a heavy price to be with us, and to plant churches in challenging areas deep within the Amazon

Then we made requests for prayer as we had to travel in a heavy unexpected storm in aircraft we were not familiar with.  Praise God, we had two experienced pilots on board.   We were going through a lot in the Amazon – from persecution to donors who had come for a site visit to broken planes and storms.  God answered with wisdom, courage and protection.  We thank Him that we can share our requests with the Body.

Our next location was in Cruzeiro do Sul in the Amazon!  As we arrived and engaged with those pastors waiting for us to begin prayer and worship for the refresher time and Phase A training, we were inundated with reports, testimonies and pictures from their efforts with tales of evangelism and churches being planted in far places.

Because of His Love and in part because of your prayers, our plane was back into the air to bring in more pastors to the training location. One pastor’s journey took five days by boat and another day by bus to be with us.   Harvesters  training is judged to be important, as well as the calling of our Father to be here together in Cruzeiro do Sul to serve His Church and redeem the lost.

Harvesters Ministries is a faithful partner of The Bolick Foundation.