The Spread of a Movement

Several years ago, Dr. Mark Senter wrote a book called The Coming Revolution in Youth Ministry, in which he outlined the history of youth movements around the world. Each of these movements God has used to see amazing fruit and impact on the young people of that generation.  

Senter has an entire chapter on how youth movements spread. Key factors include a visionary with a great idea, a simple system, media coverage, and a spokesperson who “travels extensively in order to spread the vision and reinvigorate the people already committed to the movement.”
For HowToLife Movement, many of these elements are already taking shape: Jordan’s vision of a student-led evangelism event his junior year of high school is simple and easy to replicate. Social Media is a tool that never existed in previous youth movements, but now God is using it to help this global movement spread quickly.  

As for traveling spokes people? There are several team members spread out all over the world, who travel sharing with other young leaders about what God has done, and could do through them as well.

PHOTOS: HowToLife leaders have visited student leaders in Dominican Republic, Mexico, Germany, Czech Republic, Scotland and England.

HowToLife is a faithful partner of The Bolick Foundation.