Sending Bibles

Pastors and evangelists in Africa are trying to reach the unreached in some of the most remote villages in Africa. These people groups are overwhelmed with violence and false religion. 
A group set out to reach an unreached area in the highlands. They met the village chief, sharing the gospel with him and giving him a Bible, “The gift of the Bible to the Chief had a great impact, he opened up so that we can come and evangelize in areas under his traditional leadership. Up to today, many months later, he still calls and is always ready to welcome us. … This has opened a door for us to reach schools for Christ in this area.”  

In an area dominated by another religion, a Cru missionary gave Bibles to a couple as a wedding gift. That couple told their friends, and soon 14 people were asking to know more about Jesus. “God was truly at work in their hearts! I met them —about 14 people— and shared the gospel of Christ. They received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, and we gave them Bibles.”  

In some areas, Bibles are so rare that people carefully copy verses by hand to keep, read and memorize … they are so eager to know the Prince of Peace.   God’s Word is “living and active” (Heb 4:12) and it alone is Spirit-inspired, the foundation upon which every fruitful gospel effort rests.   

Cru is a faithful partner of The Bolick Foundation.