Reaching Souls

Hope this finds you well. Thank you for the opportunity to provide an update. I’m jumping right in.

For the first time ever, we saw over 1million people believe in Christ as Savior in one month (1,000,662 in March)! And then the Lord did it again in April. I’ve attached a report of the YTD results. Of course, all spiritual results are the Lord’s. Lord willing, we will see close to 11.5million men, women, and children find new life in Christ this fiscal year (ending June 30).

There’s a direct correlation between the number of times the Gospel is shared and people accepting or rejecting Christ. Generally, the more you share the Good News, the more people receive Christ by faith. When we send more National Missionaries to work the harvest fields, the yield increases.

But in addition to that, we’re seeing a surge in the number of salvations each missionary is seeing in certain countries. God is doing something special.

There is a great movement in the spiritual dimension. There is a stirring across the world. In the heavenlies, swords are clashing over the souls of men, women, and children.

Here are some of the trends we’re seeing:

  • There’s an uptick in the miraculous. We’re seeing this in physical and emotional healing and in God speaking and directing through dreams and visions to Muslims and hard hearts.
  • We’ve seen lots of demon-possession where we work, but this has increased substantially also. The accompanying symptoms are more common: foaming at the mouth, unusual strength, demons speaking, etc.
  • More children and young people are being demon-possessed.
  • Suicide, suicidal thoughts, and attempts = all increasing. And we’ve seen God intervene in amazing ways.
  • Whole families are receiving Christ.
  • An increase in missionaries using these verses to lead people to Christ, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30). People are not only without hope but they are also exhausted in their search for it. They are worn out in seeking meaning in life and are finding rest in the only One who can provide it.

When your entire organization’s goal and purpose is to reach the maximum number of people for Christ in the least amount of time in the most efficient way, we’re running hard with hearts full of gratitude and awe of what God is doing.

How thrilling it must be to sit where you sit and see the Lord mobilizing so many of His children around the globe in His worldwide rescue plan.

At Reaching Souls, our National Missionaries (local evangelists) send in monthly reports and testimonies of people coming to Christ. Here are some short gleanings from 2023.

Esther was a prostitute. Esther was a Muslim. Missionary Mabvuto and his wife led Esther to Christ. Pray for Esther. Her Muslim parents have tried to kill her by poisoning her food. The church is trying to help her, but her parents are trying to keep her isolated from the believers. 

Gilbert was an alcoholic. He lost his home because of his addiction. He has scars all over his face from bar fights. He was radically saved when a National Missionary shared the Gospel with him on the front porch of a bar as others laughed and mocked him. He has now been baptized and is being discipled.

Rozita is a 49-year-old woman who has been married and divorced 6 times. God saved her in March, God saved her 6th ex-husband, and now they’re devoted Christians.

A 17-year-old girl named Jasmina was living in an Islamic dominated suburb. She wanted to be saved, but asked, “If I believe in Jesus Christ as Savior where will I go? All of my family are Muslim, and they will cast me out.” Brave Jasmina accepted Christ. She can’t remove her veil or identify publicly as a Christian. Sometimes she visits a church in secret.

Betino had been a witch doctor’s assistant for 9 years. A missionary shared the Gospel with the witch doctor, his family, and clients that were there for incantations. Betino trusted in Christ and walked away from witchcraft that very day.

Princa is a 13-year-old girl who was demon possessed for a long time. Many witchdoctors failed to cure her. Princa was saved and set free at an open-air meeting. The next day Princa’s mother received Christ also.

Noslen is a mother who struggled with depression and tried to take her life three times. She tried to hang herself, overdose, and even poured gasoline on herself, but couldn’t get the matches to light. God used Missionary Orlando to share the Gospel with her and Noslen is now a new creation in Christ.

Every new believer is a miracle. A new creation. A unique and glorious story.

I’ve attached some longer testimonies (all occurring in the last 5 months). I have included them just as we receive them. These are not edited. If you decide to use any of the testimonies for publication, please remove the last names, and substitute “SE Asia” for Vietnam.

In May, we began supporting National Missionaries in Colombia and Venezuela. And just this month we increased our number of missionaries in Vietnam and began supporting five National Missionaries in Cambodia.

We are moving forward with plans to grow from 2,442 National Missionaries to 2,800 in our fiscal year that begins July 1st. Lord willing, we will do so.

One of our strategic initiatives is expanding in high-Muslim and high population countries. And we are doing so.

This is my first update for you. Please let me know if there is anything else you want to know or if this is too long or too short.

I know the foundation has so many options, thank you for including Reaching Souls.

With gratitude,

Dustin, President & CEO

Reaching Souls International is a faithful partner of The Bolick Foundation.