Persons of Peace

From Asia to Africa, Europe to the Americas, Biglife finds the persons of peace and empowers them to share the Good News—where they live. See how Biglife is reaching lost souls by shining Christ’s light into the world’s darkest places.

Peru –

Brother Johan and his wife are being used by the Lord in amazing ways to bring the Gospel to remote peoples in the upper Amazon region. This is a very difficult place and difficult people to reach with many challenges. Yet, through their faithfulness God’s Kingdom is advancing. Johan told us a few days ago that during his most recent visit to these people, there were 12 baptisms and there are now 84 disciples. Hallelujah! 

Sweden –

A few weeks ago we asked you to begin praying for Ryan and Jereme’s time in Finland to encourage and further equip laborers. They are there now so please keep praying. Please pray also for them to discover a laborer who is willing to multiply disciples within Sweden, a place where to the best of our knowledge disciple making movement principles are not being used. 

India –

The Jesus Film was shown in the village pictured a short time ago. One of the villagers, Motilal, has a 3 year old son who was suffering from kidney problems.

After watching the film in his home, Motilal asked for prayer for his son. Praise the Lord for miraculously healing this young boy. Because of being touched by the film and the healing of his son, Motilal decided to become a disciple of Jesus.

He is now actively sharing and many more homes have opened where the film is being shown and many are responding in faith.

BigLife is a faithful partner of The Bolick Foundation.