Multitude of Laborers

Pioneers teammates in North Africa, West Africa and East Asia are seeing a multitude of laborers being raised up. They report that 110 new missionary candidates have been recruited, surpassing their goal of 95 candidates!

National missionaries who have already made it to the field are seeing that the harvest is ripe. In West Africa, 14 individuals from the Senoufo people group were baptized in Burkina Faso. The Director of Pioneers Africa rejoiced,

“This is the result of many months of diligent labor among them.”

In North Africa, there is a large focus on reaching Sudanese refugees fleeing the civil war in Sudan. We are even seeing some of these Christian refugees attend our new missionary candidate trainings. We praise God for the 36 new candidates so far. In addition, our teammates recently hired a Sudanese refugee to oversee all the training for Sudanese candidates.

Pioneers is a faithful partner of The Bolick Foundation.