In All Nations to All Generations

Over the years, it has been amazing to witness flaming zeal for the discipleship of the next generation spread to the nations. Twenty-five years ago, our first national conference hosted children’s ministry leaders from across the US and over 10 other nations. Two weeks ago, people from 41 different countries registered for the “Raising a Generation that Hopes in God” webinar. While there are many discipleship resources available to families and churches in North America, resources are limited in other nations. We have been making encouraging progress toward the goal to reach churches and families in 40 language groups with vision and key translated resources by 2030. All of this is strategic, but also happens as God leads and provides translators and partnerships around the world.  

Staff relocation effort Suresh Singh plays a vital role in working with those translators. Prompted by life-threatening hostilities in northern India and the desire to attend seminary, he will be relocating his family to the U.S. next month! This move is important for Truth78 in multiple ways, and we are grateful for the opportunity to have Suresh stateside. We are also grateful that our colleague Samuel Irom will still be working and ministering in India.  

Spanish update Another exciting update is finalizing the details for hiring a dedicated consultant for the Spanish-speaking world. More to come about Rodrigo Guerra, a brother with a view to have all resources translated in Spanish by 2030. This has been a long-time dream for our team and partners in Latin American countries specifically.  

Join me in thanking God for the ministry opportunities He is providing to reach the nations!
-David Michael, Truth78

Truth78 is a faithful partner of The Bolick Foundation.