Our Impact (Page 17)

Trusting God

Following Christ often brings with it persecution to believers in countries like Iran. Bita’s story, which was shared on SAT-7 PARS, illustrates the courage it takes to live out one’s faith and how the Lord can use someone’s life in a powerful way.  God placed the desire on Bita’s heart to start an institute for children with disabilities, which she named the…

From the Hanger

Throughout my five years at MAF, I’ve always had a desire to feature someone’s journey leading up to joining the organization. For someone who feels the call to become a missionary pilot/mechanic, what does it take for that person to learn the ropes of aviation? And when they are ready to commit to MAF, what…

Sowing, Reaping, and Harvesting

The beauty of fall has been extended this year in St. Louis, and the CFNA youth have harvested many opportunities to experience the season’s richness with young adult volunteers from both near and far. Immanuel Wentzville’s youth group accompanied 15 CFNA kids to Theis Family Farms. “The High Schoolers said that getting to know the New American kids gave them perspective on…

Coaches Change Lives

Hundreds of Iranian and Afghan kids and youth have been impacted by sports ministry run by local Iranian churches. One of them is Saeed. Saeed’s mother died when he was just nine years old. When his abusive, drug-addicted father then abandoned the family, young Saeed was left to fend for himself. Separated from his brother and sister, he scraped a living on the…

Start with the Children

IMPACT recently put this principle to work in Durazno, Uruguay.  Through IMPACT’s Disciples Making Disciples training, people in a local church were trained to share their faith with others.  Older children were included in the training and multigenerational teams began to pray and reach into their communities in five different neighborhoods.   Over time, the outreaches became weekly gatherings. Neighborhood children especially…

Ministry in Review

Christian Friends of New Americans In 2023, CFNA was blessed to have linked with a total of 300 recently arrived refugees from 30 birth nations. Engagement activities at the Peace Center continued strong with ESL (130 students from 10 birth nations), Health & Wellness (79 clients at screenings, and coordination of 209 client medical appointments),…


Thank you partnering with the IMB to solve the world’s greatest problem – lostness. The Bolick Foundation empowered the IMB to serve through evangelism, discipleship, church planting, providing medical care, food and trauma support, all serving to deliver the gospel to the world’s most unreached peoples. Because of the Bolick Foundation and other givers, IMB was able to deliver hope, help, and…

Equipping Communities

Disciple Nations Alliance (DNA) provides training that helps followers of Jesus know and apply a biblical worldview in every area of their lives, equipping them to build flourishing cultures, communities, and nations. Aired Kisiya of Tanzania is a local missionary who says DNA’s training is a missing link. Before DNA’s training, Kisiya recalls not knowing anything about worldview. He had never thought critically about his…

Growing the Kingdom

The Pocket Testament League grateful for what the Bolick Foundation is doing for the kingdom. Your last grant provided funds for The Pocket Testament League to impact the USA! You may recall that we work in every country, except North Korea, and this year we are racing to engage over 16 million people, inviting them…