Fabián Eduardo Liscano Sequea is 16 years old. He lives with his parents in Maturín, Venezuela and is a remarkable young man who is making a difference in his community by following the Lord. This is a brief overview of his young, amazing life.
When Fabián was 8 years old, his grandmother invited him to her House of Peace,* called Jehová es mi Pastor (The Lord is My Shepherd). He especially enjoyed the games and singing praise songs and he and his grandma began attending regularly. Two years later Fabián accepted Christ as his Savior.
In 2018, his grandmother passed away. Fabián’s heart was filled with resentment toward God and he lost his desire to go to church. However, members of Jehová es mi Pastor stayed in touch, continually inviting him to return. He did. The first time he came he was encouraged to share. He broke down during the service, poured out his heart to God, and began to feel God’s peace.
Four years after stepping into church for the first time he attended IMPACT’s Disciples Making Disciples training which was offered to several Houses of Peace in the area. He learned to make an oikos map (a diagram defining close relationships) and began to pray for each person on the map, primarily his family.
Soon, with the help of leadership from his church and support from his mom, at the age of 13, Fabián planted a House of Peace consisting of four youth. Through seeing her son’s enthusiasm and hearing the discipleship lessons, Fabián’s mother developed a relationship with Jesus.
Impact Latin America is a faithful partner of The Bolick Foundation.