From Nabaa Center Beirut

Horizons International updates on their focus in Nabaa.

Sister Lina, a member of the Nabaa ministry team, followed up with a woman who had been involved in regular Bible studies. Despite her commitment, her husband was not happy for her to keep attending, so unfortunately she was absent for two months. Lina encouraged her not to give up on the sessions and suggested they pray for her husband’s understanding and the well-being of their unborn child.

The baby’s health had become a cause for concern due to medical reports indicating potential health issues. After praying, the initially skeptical husband had a change of heart and encouraged her to continue attending the meetings. After witnessing the impact of prayer, Sister Lina is now praying with the woman for the salvation of her family.

In another story, another woman faced significant mockery and opposition from her sister and brother-in-law after coming to Christ. Undeterred, she continued to share the gospel with them during their five-day visit from Turkey. However, as devoted Muslims, they remained hard-hearted and dismissed the truths she shared.

Yet, on the final day of their visit, her sister felt compelled to ask for prayer before leaving for Turkey, saying: “You know what? I feel like there’s something inside me that just wants to pray. I don’t think I’d feel right leaving without doing so.”

In a genuine encounter with God, she gave her life to Christ. The Holy Spirit had sparked something within her just hours before boarding her flight. We are now praying for her husband and the rest of her family to receive Christ. 

A new lady also very recently came to a discipleship group for the very first time. She has been living in Lebanon for over six years and been through a great deal of hardship in that time. During this time a close friend has been faithfully telling her more and more about Jesus and how life changing knowing Him is. Eventually her friend put her in contact with sister Amina who works with Horizons and she has since come to follow Jesus and is part of a Church in the area. Praise God!

We hope that these testimonies of hope, prayer, and transformation encourage you. It is truly uplifting to witness the intricate tapestry of discipleship. where the word of God is not only studied but also lived out in the details of everyday life.

Horizons International is a faithful partner of The Bolick Foundation.