Disciple Nations Alliance Testimony

From Abduction to Abundance

James and his little brother were riddled with anxiety as they considered their nighttime escape. What would happen if they were caught? Would they survive in the elements? It had been six years since they were abducted by members of an Arab militia in South Sudan. It was a living nightmare. James felt compelled to escape. Tonight.

By the grace of God, they arrived safely in a town with extended family by the next morning. But it would still be seven more years before they would be reunited with their parents.

Following college, James found and completed DNA’s free online training. He says it changed the direction of his life and gave him a new perspective. Previously, he imagined that his people and their land were cursed and that the only way to escape from poverty was to depend on foreign aid or leave for the West.

James enthusiastically began using DNA’s training to help other local believers understand God’s desires related to work and poverty alleviation. As a practical step, he and his wife encouraged ten local churches that had received training to cultivate at least 20 pounds of groundnuts per season. James commented, “The people’s thinking had made them unmotivated for work, but the Scripture says, “He who has a slack hand becomes poor, but the hand of the diligent makes rich. He who gathers in summer is a wise son; he who sleeps in harvest is a son who causes shame” (Prov. 10:4-5). We encouraged the young people to stay away from idleness and embrace biblical principles of work, understanding that work is ordained by God.”

The churches were very encouraged by the results, with one church more than doubling their goal. They stored the surplus, which they later sold to an international aid organization for $5,740. Thanks to DNA’s training, another community has discovered their God-given potential to work their good land and provide for themselves and their children.

Disciple Nations Alliance is a faithful partner of The Bolick Foundation.