Changing Lives

“Greetings. I would like to share a testimony about how I came to faith and the impact this has had on me and my life.

“Even until about a month ago I was not fully confident of my new faith and, despite feeling very much drawn to Christianity, I still had my doubts. I kept asking questions and someone at your channel provided some very helpful answers. Then I had a dream, and in the dream a voice told me to describe it when I was speaking with you. After waking up there was another voice saying don’t mention the dream. So I forgot all about it and when we were in a session chatting I suddenly remembered the dream and felt that I should share it. After I did so, sister Marjan about the death and resurrection of Jesus. My doubts melted away and I believed in the truth of Christianity and that Jesus is alive.

“For the last two months I have been joining many of the Zoom teaching sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays and I am being blessed by your teachings. I study the Bible every day, I follow SAT-7 PARS programs, and I am a member of the PARS Telegram channel. I am beginning to see some changes in my life and in the way I behave. I have even noted a change in my psychological state and I am sensing a deep peace at work and in my interactions with colleagues which I never had when I followed my previous beliefs and prayed those set prayers. Because of my faith in Christ the way I see things has changed, especially in relation with the future.”

SAT7 is a faithful partner of The Bolick Foundation.