Missions (Page 4)

Taking a God Perspective on War

Across Eurasia, where challenges abound, Harvesters persists in the mission to spread the Gospel. The region, rife with conflicts, wars and opposition, poses dangers and we cannot be specific about where we are working. But we can say how encouraged we are by the dedication of local leaders who choose to take a God perspective– viewing challenges not as hindrances but as…

World-Centered Team

The Latin America Regional Training Hub of United World Mission recently organized two significant events in Medellin, Colombia, where 25 leaders from 7 Latin American countries (Mexico, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Uruguay, and Argentina) participated. The events included a Consultation on Spiritual Formation in Latin America and a retreat focused on developing spiritual mentoring groups in collaboration with Leighton Ford Ministries.…

Equipping Communities

Disciple Nations Alliance (DNA) provides training that helps followers of Jesus know and apply a biblical worldview in every area of their lives, equipping them to build flourishing cultures, communities, and nations. Aired Kisiya of Tanzania is a local missionary who says DNA’s training is a missing link. Before DNA’s training, Kisiya recalls not knowing anything about worldview. He had never thought critically about his…

Training Church Leaders

International Training & Equipping Ministries train church leaders in Africa in order to advance the true Gospel through strong vibrant, health churches. International Training & Equipping Ministries is a faithful partner of The Bolick Foundation.

Finding Middle Ground

We sent Rob–a friend of Pioneers–to see how God is moving in Central Asia. Two thousand years ago, Central Asia was the world’s hub of activity and modernity as people passed through with goods, stories, philosophies, religions and diseases on the Silk Road. This region has known its share of power struggles and conflict. Now in this modern age, Central Asia is…

Developing Ministry Leaders

Central Asian Youth Outreach (CAYO)—one of Frontier Fellowship’s partners—is developing ministry leadership teams and sharing the Gospel with teens and young adults throughout Central Asia. Teams reach out to young people through sports programs, camps, discipleship programs and care for at-risk youth. Through collaboration with local churches, CAYO equips new leaders and creates opportunities for them to gather periodically for training and…

Bibles for Cuba

Greetings! I wanted to send you an update about the Spanish Bibles. God has really blessed this project as He opened the doors and we have sent three containers with 111,000 Bibles into Communist Cuba! We are also working to send a container full of Study Bibles and a donor in Europe has offered a 100,000 Spanish Story Books about Jesus for…

No Longer Alone

Alone and isolated within his childhood home, Tirrell was not allowed to attend school by his family and was only fed rice. Today, the young teen has found freedom and family with John and Erin Stuebe, his Baptist Children’s Homes foster care couple. Baptist Children’s Home is a faithful partner of The Bolick Foundation.