Missions (Page 3)

Training and Outreach

In beginning this trip, heavy storms of several kinds surrounded us.  At Manaus, as we boarded the plane to take us west over the Amazonian forest, a turbine engine blew up before take-off. Sometimes the enemy stops us; sometimes God stops us.  It was the plane we often use from another local aviation charity, and…

Making a Positive Impact

This year being Leap Year, we had “one more day” to have influence, yet every one of us has influence each day. And here is the thing about the impact we have on others: It is a positive impact, or It is a negative impact. You never meet someone, or listen to someone speak, or observe someone’s actions and have no opinion…

The Isolated People

Recently, Joel Driscoll, an MAF pilot in Kalimantan, Indonesia, had a sobering encounter—one that reminded him just how isolated the people he serves are. He was about to hop into the pilot seat to take off from an interior village when a local woman came running up to the airplane. She was sobbing, so it was hard to make out what she…

A Bar of Soap

Before Lutheran World Relief brought its rural economic development strategy for improving lives in the poorest parts of the world to a remote village in Nepal, these women couldn’t even buy a bar of soap. Lutheran World Relief is a faithful partner of The Bolick Foundation.

Lifeline for Women

Sometimes, leaving is the only life-saving course of action. Nasrin Hasmi, 28, pictured here with her daughter Jira, suffered for four years as her husband beat and abused her.  Frequently drunk or using drugs, he didn’t work and relied upon handouts from friends and family.  After one particularly bad beating, with no money or work experience, Nasrin moved back home and immediately…

God At Work Around the World

We have now passed one year since you generously approved an initial funding request for the “SE Asia Evangelism Engagement Project”. I am writing to report to you on that project, for which we are grateful for your support.  Secondly–your June gift was truly an encouragement, and allowed us to strategically share God’s Word in several new places. THANK YOU! We praise…