Ministries (Page 3)

Stories of Collaboration

Written by Brooke Helder, GACX Content Creator  – I am now in the stage of life where many of my close friends are having children. It has been one of the greatest gifts in my life to meet all these little bundles of joy. Staring into their newborn eyes has prompted my prayer life to grow immensely. I pray for my friends…

Overhearing the Gospel

Nico grew up in a loving Catholic family in Argentina, but his life changed when his dad died suddenly when Nico was only 8. Nico couldn’t understand why God would separate him fromthe person he loved the most in the world. After that, his life could only be described as chaos – until recently. He began using drugs at a young age.…

Opening Doors

There are over 70 million deaf people in the world today. 98% of them are unreached by the Gospel, making the global deaf community the largest unreached people group in the world. A team of catalysts in Mauritius began discipling a deaf person of peace. The Lord empowered him to go and disciple other deaf people in his community. By the end…

Seeds of Hope

With your support, we launched Open Eyes in Sri Lanka earlier this year. Since then, our dedicated partners on the ground have been actively engaged in planting churches and baptizing new believers. Your contribution has played a crucial role in making these impactful initiatives possible and we thank you for partnering with us.Looking forward, we’re…

Growing in Christ

Yan P. is a young pastor from a small town in Ukraine’s Cherkassy region. In 2016, he planted a church for people who were recovering from addictions—drugs and alcohol—as well as people recently released from prison. As Yan and the church members ministered to them, and as God worked in their lives, one after another the people found true freedom in God…

Training Young Adults

Steiger’s Houston Impact Day brought 70 young adults together for a powerful time of prayer, worship, training, and evangelistic action. Using simple creative tools, they sparked spiritual conversations and shared Jesus with young people on the streets of their own city – many for the first time ever! God continues to use this life-changing event to inspire actions in the lives of…

Sowing, Reaping, and Harvesting

The beauty of fall has been extended this year in St. Louis, and the CFNA youth have harvested many opportunities to experience the season’s richness with young adult volunteers from both near and far. Immanuel Wentzville’s youth group accompanied 15 CFNA kids to Theis Family Farms. “The High Schoolers said that getting to know the New American kids gave them perspective on…

Coaches Change Lives

Hundreds of Iranian and Afghan kids and youth have been impacted by sports ministry run by local Iranian churches. One of them is Saeed. Saeed’s mother died when he was just nine years old. When his abusive, drug-addicted father then abandoned the family, young Saeed was left to fend for himself. Separated from his brother and sister, he scraped a living on the…


Together, we walk with youth in their most pivotal moments … Helping them navigate the pivotal years of middle school and high school through Campus Life® Providing steady, authentic, Christ-centered mentorship to military-connected youth through Campus Life Military® Developing young people into Christ-centered leaders in their community through City Life™ Building life-changing relationships with deaf or hard of hearing students through Deaf…