
Happy Birthday Baptism

“What is happening?” asked our 4-year-old in his very high and very loud voice during a recent baptism at our partner church. It wasn’t the time for a long theological and historical explanation about sacraments, so I (Roberta) whispered, “It’s a celebration of someone showing their love and commitment to Jesus. It’s kind of like when Daddy and I got married. We…

Growing in the Lord

The rapid growth of THE MAILBOX CLUB can only be explained by God’s favor and His great heart of love for the children in the world. His desire is that people from every tongue, tribe, and nation worship at His throne. (Revelation 7:9) The Mailbox Club is a faithful partner of The Bolick Foundation.

RTR On Mission With God!

For decades, Reach the Rest has been developing an approach that offers people in the hardest-to- reach regions of the world an opportunity to hear and receive the gospel. We have learned that when we resource and support local believers, they can make trusted connections with the unreached in their regions and more effectively introduce…

Multitude of Laborers

Pioneers teammates in North Africa, West Africa and East Asia are seeing a multitude of laborers being raised up. They report that 110 new missionary candidates have been recruited, surpassing their goal of 95 candidates! National missionaries who have already made it to the field are seeing that the harvest is ripe. In West Africa,…

Iran and Beyond

Elam brings us this from the Middle East – As we watch the latest crisis in the Middle East unfold, Christians in Iran are on their knees praying for peace. One Christian in western Iran, who lives near where the Iranian rockets were launched, said, “I heard each rocket being fired. It was so loud…