
Family Devotional

God is at work to draw our children and grandchildren to Himself through the efforts of faithful ministry leaders and parents. It is our aim and joy to provide inspiration and tools to meet their discipleship needs. Listen to Lizzy Spainhour from Marietta, Georgia share about the encouragement she has received from using Truth78’s family devotional resources with her children. Truth78 is…

Native Tongues

We hope that you will join Truth78 in our excitement as the mission to inspire and equip the church and the home for the comprehensive discipleship of the next generation spreads around the world. Hear Samuel Irom, our staff member on the ground in India, share about the ongoing hunger and need for resources to be translated into native tongues. It is…

New Believers

As followers of Jesus, we know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the only hope for our world. Each day, the faithful ministry partners of Reach A Village serve as instruments of hope in our sin-plagued world. On their behalf, we say thank you for supporting them with your prayers and financial gifts. Attached for your review, prayer focus and praise…

Stirring Up Revival

God is stirring up revival in new and exciting ways among people of all ages, backgrounds, languages, and locations. At Global Media Outreach, they are infusing the love of God into the deepest recesses of hungry souls, many of whom live in hard places, fraught with socioeconomic, geopolitical, and cultural turmoil. Global Media Outreach is a faithful partner of The Bolick Foundation.

Does God Hear Me?

An Egyptian teenager named Sonya* contacted our team, distraught because of her difficult relationship with her parents. She lamented, “I pray to God, but I feel He does not want to hear from me, nor does He want me! I have lost all self-confidence.” After explaining God’s love for her, Sonya wanted to pray with us and went on to commit herself…

Lives Transformed

Over 270 young people packed out an electric HowToLife Miami student-led outreach event this past weekend. Nathan, age 17, was the HowToLife Miami local event director. Nathan and his team prayed, and prepared for God to show up. The prayers of these young leaders were answered in a big way! The worship music was spirit-led…

Partnering to Reach the Unreached

Over the last few years, WME has strategically moved to connect with like-minded Christian organizations involved in mission and evangelism around the world. These new connections create opportunities for WME to join the broader evangelistic efforts of the Church worldwide, especially in places where many are still unreached by the Gospel of Jesus. Recently, we had the opportunity to develop a significant relationship…

Sharing Jesus

In the neon-lit streets of Bangkok, Thailand, Bailey experiences both grief and celebration as she helps women step out of the sex industry. Even in the darkest corners of the world, heartbreak can walk hand in hand with hope because of Jesus.    Read more to learn how Bailey’s friendships with women in the red-light…