Global (Page 8)

What Does It Take to Go to the Hardest Places?

Recently, I met a worker buying a camel so he could ride with unreached nomads across the desert in North Africa. I recall my first trek into the mosquito-infested jungle of Papua New Guinea to see the gospel penetrate a dark tribe: sleepless nights, malaria, loneliness, tropical heat, accusations and threats. I think of our…

Accelerating Evangelism in France

We are pleas to share that Impact France has accelerated work and amplified evangelism and discipleship efforts of native French ministries as they reach the lost. In the past 12 months, we were able to add 17 new partners, including three church networksand work directly in over 50 projects including small discipleship groups, ministering to non-Christians in a local outreach café and…

Christ’s Leading

Evangelism Explosion is committed to being a part by coming alongside pastorsand churches to equip the saints to be bold and loving witnesses for Jesus inthese days. When believers are equipped to share their faith with their lovedones, friends, classmates, coworkers, neighbors, and strangers, communitiesthen change by the power of the Gospel’s work. And when communities change,cities change. When cities change, countries…

The Time is Now

That is the heartbeat of Worldlink’s ministry journey -Romans 15:20. It reads, “It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known so that I would not be building on someone else’s foundation.”  Here’s a brief recap of how the Lord has led us so far. We started with a handful of strategic partnerships in 2002 with a…

Until Everyone Knows

Before becoming a disciple of Jesus, Samad was very much against Christians. In fact, he was the leader of a Muslim group who threatened any Christians who tried to enter his village. When Samad became very ill, he tried several options hoping for a cure but nothing was improving his condition. Thankfully, Brother Kalam came to Samad’s India village to show the…

Equipping International Students

Navigators International Students Ministry (ISM) has 130 staff ministering in 46 locations in the US to students from 72 countries around the world. Many international students arrive on US campuses knowing nothing about Jesus and dealing with culture shock and isolation. ISM staff begin connecting with each student through the context of their home culture, encouraging them to build a relationship with…

Go to all Nations

Horizons International agrees we are called to go into all the nations and make disciples of all men – foreigner or otherwise – and show them God’s transformative love. Horizons International is a faithful partner of The Bolick Foundation.

Training Church Leaders

International Training & Equipping Ministries train church leaders in Africa in order to advance the true Gospel through strong vibrant, health churches. International Training & Equipping Ministries is a faithful partner of The Bolick Foundation.