Global (Page 5)

Changing Lives

Gospelink extends its sincere gratitude for the support and joint participation of the Bolick Foundation in the spiritual work being done among the Unreached People Groups. Church Plant Leader: Chatra The targeted area of CPI Leader Chatra is in the Morang Region in Eastern Nepal. He has recently started a house fellowship in his region.…

Mesa Global

I am excited to announce that after much prayer our United World Mission board has unanimously decided to change our name to Mesa Global! We made this decision to strengthen us for a future of partnering with the global church in God’s mission. In recent years, God led us into two mergers, first with the Latin America Mission (2014) and then with…

Discipleship Journey

In the Great Commission, Jesus reminds His followers that He has been granted “all authority.” With this authority, He charges them (and us) to go and make disciples of all nations.   But, as Chris reminds us in his video teaching for this quarter, Jesus’ authority and power are much different from the worldly ways with which we are so familiar.  …Jesus’ kingship…

The Unreached

Gospelink extends its sincere gratitude for the support and joint participation of the Bolick Foundation in the spiritual work being done among the Unreached People Groups. CPI OUTREACH INFORMATION AND CONVERSION STORIES: (Note: The names of the CPI Leaders and the precise locations of the house fellowships have all been adjusted for safety reasons.) CPI…

In All Nations to All Generations

Over the years, it has been amazing to witness flaming zeal for the discipleship of the next generation spread to the nations. Twenty-five years ago, our first national conference hosted children’s ministry leaders from across the US and over 10 other nations. Two weeks ago, people from 41 different countries registered for the “Raising a Generation that Hopes in God” webinar. While…

Biblical Translations

Thank you for your wonderful advocacy for our work and service in 2023 We are very grateful.The full Bolick Foundation grant was utilized as we had projected:(a) Goal: Complete 11 translations of Luke.Result: 10 Luke translations completed, and translation of two additional Gospelscompleted by four of the teams: Friends of Agape are faithful partners of The Bolick Foundation.