Global (Page 10)

Coaches Change Lives

Hundreds of Iranian and Afghan kids and youth have been impacted by sports ministry run by local Iranian churches. One of them is Saeed. Saeed’s mother died when he was just nine years old. When his abusive, drug-addicted father then abandoned the family, young Saeed was left to fend for himself. Separated from his brother and sister, he scraped a living on the…

Start with the Children

IMPACT recently put this principle to work in Durazno, Uruguay.  Through IMPACT’s Disciples Making Disciples training, people in a local church were trained to share their faith with others.  Older children were included in the training and multigenerational teams began to pray and reach into their communities in five different neighborhoods.   Over time, the outreaches became weekly gatherings. Neighborhood children especially…


Thank you partnering with the IMB to solve the world’s greatest problem – lostness. The Bolick Foundation empowered the IMB to serve through evangelism, discipleship, church planting, providing medical care, food and trauma support, all serving to deliver the gospel to the world’s most unreached peoples. Because of the Bolick Foundation and other givers, IMB was able to deliver hope, help, and…

Taking Jesus to the Unreached

Today, 3 billion people are unreached. If nothing changes, it will take centuries for them all to hear the Gospel.  At Reach A Village, our inspiration comes from the words of Jesus in Mark 1:38, “Let us go somewhere else — to the nearby villages — so I can preach there also. That is why I have come.” Instead of remaining in…

Persons of Peace

From Asia to Africa, Europe to the Americas, Biglife finds the persons of peace and empowers them to share the Good News—where they live. See how Biglife is reaching lost souls by shining Christ’s light into the world’s darkest places. Peru – Brother Johan and his wife are being used by the Lord in amazing ways to bring the Gospel to remote…


Watch Dr. Michael Youssef’s message at Leading The Way in Egypt, originally broadcast LIVE from Cairo. This Evangelistic Celebration features Gospel worship with special musical guests and a powerful message from Dr. Youssef. It was reported that 17,000 people joined Dr. Youssef in the open air auditorium, including 3500 children and young adults. Seven thousand people accepted Christ by the end…

Lives Changed: First-Ever HowToLife South Africa

We are blown away by what God did recently in HowToLife South Africa!  This was absolutely amazing on so many levels – victories for the Kingdom you have helped make possible! These were our first-ever events anywhere in Africa, the fourth continent for us to have outreach events.    For the first time, HowToLife became a National touring campaign, in partnership with local…

Evangelism Training In Ecuador

World Methodist Evangelism recently provided evangelism training for the Wesleyan Methodist family in Ecuador. It was an exciting time of learning, growth, and celebration as leaders from The Church of the Nazarene and the Methodist Church of Ecuador gathered for a three-day assemblage. There has been a Wesleyan Methodist presence in Ecuador for almost two centuries. And the Ecuadorian churches continue to…

Unlikely Leaders

Disciple Making Movements At New Generations, we often discuss the “unlikely leaders” God chooses to build His Kingdom—a theme woven throughout Scripture.Moses, despite committing murder and lacking eloquence, led the people of Israel.David, despite his adultery and murder, became King.Peter, known for his impulsive nature, became a key figure in the early Church. Despite their…

Filled With the Hope of Jesus

Meenakshi Yadav’s story begins as a helpless mother desperate to see her suffering son healed and ends with a dream to reach other struggling mothers with the love and hope of Jesus!  God For Nations is making a significant difference among the most vulnerable people of North India. Meenakshi’s story is certainly unique but is not the only testimony to what God’s…