This past summer, we brought YFC Camp to prison. Many of the 70 young people we met in this detention center have never experienced the freedom of childhood, forced to grow up way too fast. YFC Camp let them be kids again and brought hope inside the walls of prison. You helped bring Jesus to prison.
The daily themes of Camp were:
I am loved, I am worthy, I am enough.
Whether on a water slide or dunk tank, creating vision boards or in small group discussions, each young soul was introduced to the relentless grace, mercy and acceptance of Jesus inside jail. All were reminded that we all fall short and are afflicted by sin, but sin doesn’t have the final word. Grace does. Jesus does.
- The love of Jesus broke through their unique stories of pain, regret, loss and yes, some bad choices
- We collected 160 prayer cards expressing raw, honest emotions about their new seeds of faith in a God that loves them, sees them and knows their story.
- Mentoring relationships were formed and deepened for ongoing follow up.
But the Gospel isn’t a “get out of jail free” card. Jesus wants more for these young people, He wants to set captives free from sin, fear and brokenness in their hearts, souls, and minds. And during YFC Camp, His grace was not without effect!
Youth for Christ is a faithful partner of The Bolick Foundation.