Posts by Joy Cline (Page 7)

Prison Ministry

Four years ago, a team of missionaries entered an isolated area in northern Senegal. A 200-mile expanse separated them from the nearest known Christian. About 18 months ago, they began visiting the local prison, offering Bible studies and prayer for the prisoners. After six months of work in the prison, they appeared to have made…

Scripture Poverty

At New Generations, we dream of a world where every man, woman, and child has access to the Word of God and can be transformed by it — no matter how they learn. And we are inviting you to join us in making this dream a reality! You might not realize it, but 3,736 people…

Jesus Saves

There is no one Jesus can’t save- no one is too far gone or too late in the game! I want to introduce you to a woman who can help prove it to you: Donya. After moving to Lebanon to take care of her brother, who had been suffering from severe mental illness, Donya was…

Radical Missionary Movements

We are so grateful for the Bolick foundations ongoing support of Steiger.  I just got back from Germany, where we had our annual international leadership gathering. I’m truly humbled by what God is doing through Steiger to reach young people who would not walk into a church.  See the attached video of a few our…

Are there enough laborers and enough resources?

Rev. Jason HollandPRESIDENT – Joshua Nations Check out a couple of stats before reading further. WORLDWIDE: Total People Groups: 17,281 UNREACHED PEOPLE GROUPS: Defined as less than 2% Evangelical Christian.• Total Unreached People Groups: 7,246• Total Population of UPGs: 3.39 billion people• Total Percentage of world: UPG’s make up 41.8% of world population Luke 10:2 “He told them, “The harvest is plentiful,…

God Unfolding in India

I am writing to share some truly wonderful news about the mighty works of God unfolding in India. The transformations and blessings we are witnessing are nothing short of miraculous, and I am eager to share these updates with you. Through the dedicated efforts of Reach the Rest and our partners, we are witnessing an…

Reaching Souls

Hope this finds you well. Thank you for the opportunity to provide an update. I’m jumping right in. For the first time ever, we saw over 1million people believe in Christ as Savior in one month (1,000,662 in March)! And then the Lord did it again in April. I’ve attached a report of the YTD results. Of course, all spiritual results are…

A Prayer Walk

The following is an interview with Pastor David Lopéz, Director of IMPACT’s partnership with the Free Methodist Church. Why a prayer walk versus simply gathering in a church to pray? The participants see their neighborhood through different eyes.  They see the needs that exist there.  They see where drugs are sold, children that should be…