Posts by Joy Cline (Page 7)

A Bar of Soap

Before Lutheran World Relief brought its rural economic development strategy for improving lives in the poorest parts of the world to a remote village in Nepal, these women couldn’t even buy a bar of soap. Lutheran World Relief is a faithful partner of The Bolick Foundation.


The translation app that The Bolick Foundation generously funded has been successful and is being used by disciples to take the gospel to other Unreached groups!   Overall, the app has story sets in 18 languages so far. Eight of those languages have full Bibles in the app along with the story sets, and two other…

Changing Lives

“Greetings. I would like to share a testimony about how I came to faith and the impact this has had on me and my life.“ “Even until about a month ago I was not fully confident of my new faith and, despite feeling very much drawn to Christianity, I still had my doubts. I kept asking questions and someone at your channel…

Making Disciples of Unreached People Through Digital Evangelism

Project: Making Disciples of Unreached People Through Digital Evangelism The digital evangelism ministry of Indopartners primarily focuses on three areas (sowing, reaping, and equipping). Below is a glimpse of the impact the Bolick Foundation made last year. The majority of the funding from The Bolick Foundation went towards outreach efforts, specifically promoting evangelistic videos to…

The Spread of a Movement

Several years ago, Dr. Mark Senter wrote a book called The Coming Revolution in Youth Ministry, in which he outlined the history of youth movements around the world. Each of these movements God has used to see amazing fruit and impact on the young people of that generation.   Senter has an entire chapter on how…

Vision Beyond Borders

. I wanted to share with you an update on the fruit that has come from the generous support of The Bolick Foundation through Vision Beyond Borders. PanamaWe have delivered 60,000 Spanish Bibles to Panama which are being distributed throughout the country. Our contacts are thrilled as the Bibles are going not only to populated…

A Conversation With My Barber

By Peter, a Pioneer who served in Central Asia When I was living in Central Asia, I made it a habit to get my hair cut at the neighborhood barbershop about once a month. The quality of conversation there was hit or miss, depending on how busy the shop was that day. Starting a Spiritual…