Posts by Joy Cline (Page 6)

From Nabaa Center Beirut

Horizons International updates on their focus in Nabaa. Sister Lina, a member of the Nabaa ministry team, followed up with a woman who had been involved in regular Bible studies. Despite her commitment, her husband was not happy for her to keep attending, so unfortunately she was absent for two months. Lina encouraged her not…

A Briefing from The Bolick Foundation – July, 2024

Give Me The Facts My 5-year-old granddaughter loves a good story. She will say, “I want a real story,” meaning she wants facts and not fiction. (No fairytale princesses or rainbow unicorns here!) I often share stories about something that happened in my childhood and between those and her 5-year-old repertoire of questions, we can…

God Is On The Move

Reflecting makes me marvel at two things: Your support is making a difference for the Great Commission! Of course, we give all credit where it’s due—to God alone. But in His graciousness, He uses us to build His Kingdom. It’s a joy to celebrate the fruit. In 2023 alone: I want to highlight one story…

Making a Positive Impact

This year being Leap Year, we had “one more day” to have influence, yet every one of us has influence each day. And here is the thing about the impact we have on others: It is a positive impact, or It is a negative impact. You never meet someone, or listen to someone speak, or observe someone’s actions and have no opinion…

The ART of Conversations

Steiger missionaries Mandy and Josh opened up their apartment for a simple evangelistic event and saw God move.  The couple hosted an art show in their apartment featuring pieces from Graham (a Steiger missionary) and Marisa, one of their non-Christian friends. They invited dozens of people they’d met in the past year–believers and nonbelievers alike–and…

Iran and Beyond.

Can you imagine waiting 24 years for a chance to be baptized? That was precisely the situation of Maral*, one of 34 Iranian Christian women who attended our women’s conference in the region in late January. Despite being born into a Muslim family, Maral had been fascinated with Jesus from a young age. She later…

The Ever-Pursuing Love of Jesus

I want to introduce you to a young girl named Hemanti whose life has been impacted by your prayers, generosity, and the ever-pursuing love of Jesus. Hemanti’s story of hope is currently unfurling right before your eyes. Just one year prior, she and her family struggled to provide daily meals for themselves despite how hard Hemanti’s mother labored, but today, Hemanti and…

The Isolated People

Recently, Joel Driscoll, an MAF pilot in Kalimantan, Indonesia, had a sobering encounter—one that reminded him just how isolated the people he serves are. He was about to hop into the pilot seat to take off from an interior village when a local woman came running up to the airplane. She was sobbing, so it was hard to make out what she…