Posts by Joy Cline (Page 4)

The Call

I met Norma Clemente in front of the Barrio Obrero Church in San Juan, Puerto Rico. I’d heard about the work she was doing with at-risk children and wanted to ask her about it.  Norma Clemente is from Buena Vista, one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in San Juan, the capital and largest city of Puerto Rico. Though she grew up there,…

Prayer Changes Everything

Pastor Arjun, a leader you support and pray for, is a living testament to the transformative power of faith. Once a struggling addict, his pride led him to neglect his suicidal wife. However, his encounter with Christ changed everything. Now, Arjun’s deep passion for discipleship has led him to play a significant role in the lives of many of the God for…

Impacting Our World

Thank you for your ongoing commitment to spreading the Christian gospel and aiding those inneed. Your generosity is commendable, and makes a significant impact in our world. We do nottake it for granted that you choose to invest in the mission and ministry of the CCO (Coalition forChristian Outreach), partnering with us to convey the hope of the gospel to a highly…

Sending Bibles

Pastors and evangelists in Africa are trying to reach the unreached in some of the most remote villages in Africa. These people groups are overwhelmed with violence and false religion.  A group set out to reach an unreached area in the highlands. They met the village chief, sharing the gospel with him and giving him a Bible, “The gift of the Bible…

Preach the Gospel

Reach the Rest has made an incredible impact the first quarter of this year, fulfilling the commandment of Jesus in Mark 16:15 to “go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” Reach the Rest is a faithful partner of The Bolick Foundation.

RTR On Mission With God!

For decades, Reach the Rest has been developing an approach that offers people in the hardest-to- reach regions of the world an opportunity to hear and receive the gospel. We have learned that when we resource and support local believers, they can make trusted connections with the unreached in their regions and more effectively introduce…

A Briefing from The Bolick Foundation – August, 2024

SHARKS IN THE WATER! Whether the threat is real or imagined, the feeling of fear can overcome all thoughts and emotions. The unknown can be particularly daunting. Recently, two of my grandchildren were facing the fear of swimming lessons.  “Will there be sharks in the water?” asked the quizzical 4-year-old. “Will I have to hold…

Kenya Bible Distribution

The Kenya Bible Team this morning at the beautiful Rift Valley, West Kenya. On their way to hand out 2600 Swahili, English, Luo, and Lubukusu Bibles this coming 10 days to precious disciples waiting in Bungoma, Siaya and Busia counties at churches planted through Harvesters!! Pray as they are on the road today! We’ve just returned from a…

Multitude of Laborers

Pioneers teammates in North Africa, West Africa and East Asia are seeing a multitude of laborers being raised up. They report that 110 new missionary candidates have been recruited, surpassing their goal of 95 candidates! National missionaries who have already made it to the field are seeing that the harvest is ripe. In West Africa,…