Posts by Joy Cline (Page 15)

Developing Ministry Leaders

Central Asian Youth Outreach (CAYO)—one of Frontier Fellowship’s partners—is developing ministry leadership teams and sharing the Gospel with teens and young adults throughout Central Asia. Teams reach out to young people through sports programs, camps, discipleship programs and care for at-risk youth. Through collaboration with local churches, CAYO equips new leaders and creates opportunities for them to gather periodically for training and…

Winning Others for Jesus Christ

The Gideons International’s primary mission is to win others for Jesus Christ through three unique missional strategies: associating together for service, personal testimony and personal work by individual Gideons, and placing and distributing copies of God’s Holy Word. They are most recognized for distributing copies of Scripture free of charge, paid for by freewill offerings from local churches and from members themselves.…

Cultural Understanding for Jesus

The goal of TMS Global is to bring the love of Jesus to the least reached is in harmony with The Bolick Foundation. TMS Global believes cultural understanding and respect for those served is the clearest way to show communities the person of Jesus. TMS Global is a faithful partner of The Bolick Foundation.

Be a Blessing to All Nations

Dear friends, As you read this, I am currently in the far northeast state of Tripura, India – where the vision for GTN was birthed 20 years ago. Back in the mid-1990s, I was a Senior Pastor, and our church plant adopted an unreached people group (the Borok) in partnership with The JESUS Film Project (a ministry of CRU). Through that partnership, several thousand…

Bibles for Cuba

Greetings! I wanted to send you an update about the Spanish Bibles. God has really blessed this project as He opened the doors and we have sent three containers with 111,000 Bibles into Communist Cuba! We are also working to send a container full of Study Bibles and a donor in Europe has offered a 100,000 Spanish Story Books about Jesus for…

Sharing the GOOD NEWS

Worldlink was founded in 2002.  By 2015, they had 252 missionary partners concentrated in unreached areas in Africa and Southern Asia.  Their mission: To empower indigenous missionaries to share the tangible love of God and the Good news of Jesus with the world’s least-reached people. Worldlink is a faithful partner of The Bolick Foundation.

No Longer Alone

Alone and isolated within his childhood home, Tirrell was not allowed to attend school by his family and was only fed rice. Today, the young teen has found freedom and family with John and Erin Stuebe, his Baptist Children’s Homes foster care couple. Baptist Children’s Home is a faithful partner of The Bolick Foundation.

The Pocket Testament Spreading Good News

This year The Bolick Foundation funded work to The Pocket Testament League’s Reach America. Our stated objective was to invite more than 3.5 million people in America to meet Jesus by the end of 2023, bringing our five year total to 8% of America. I am happy to report that we have invited over 3.2 million and I expect we will exceed…