Posts by Joy Cline

Stirring Up Revival

God is stirring up revival in new and exciting ways among people of all ages, backgrounds, languages, and locations. At Global Media Outreach, they are infusing the love of God into the deepest recesses of hungry souls, many of whom live in hard places, fraught with socioeconomic, geopolitical, and cultural turmoil. Global Media Outreach is a faithful partner of The Bolick Foundation.

Connecting to Jesus

Global Church Movements (GCM) exists to establish one church for every 1,000 people worldwide — healthy churches committed to loving God and one another and helping to fulfill the Great Commission. With your help, GCM is planting churches of multiplying disciples in rural villages, suburban neighborhoods, urban highrises and relational networks. Recently, the principal of…

Four Generations Healed

My life spiraled downward from there. I didn’t know it at the time, but that home I grew up in had agenerational curse. Nobody taught me about Jesus, love, or comfort. It wasn’t their fault; nobody taught them. By 2014, I was desperate. I prayed, “God, I can’t live this life anymore, but I can’t stop. I don’t know what to do.”…

Reaching All for Jesus

Hannah (name changed) was 17 years old when she learned there were places where people had never heard about Jesus. “How can I reach these people, God? I want to be the person you use where people need you.” Hannah realized she had a calling to those who had never heard and asked God to show her the path to reach them.…

All Will Know HIM

Mission work is becoming more complex and therefore we must become more sophisticated in our approach. Shall we remove the human element and rely upon technology? Absolutely not. Our sophistication must take place in our approach. The sophistication happens when we get into research, analyze the data, and then build strategic plans on real data, not assumptions. Joshua Nations is finishing a…

Sharing Jesus

Ali, a twenty-three-year-old East African, is from a prominent Muslim family. His father leads an organization devoted to Islamic youth education. After completing his Islamic theological training, Ali began law school and was on his way to becoming a Muslim leader. Then Ali met some Christians and became interested in Jesus. Increasingly intrigued, Ali began to investigate Jesus on the Internet. After…

A Storm, Komodo Dragons, and the Jesus Film

One of the stories *Charlie and *Sarah love to share with their neighbors on the island where they live, is the story of Jesus calming the storm. A vibrant batik painting of this scene hangs prominently in their living room, serving as both a piece of art and a conversation starter. But sometimes, God doesn’t…

The Remnant

           I wish you could be with me as I travel across Europe this week.            My heart breaks over the many young people here who are lost, “without hope and without God.”            Young people around the world need Jesus. But who is going to share with them the Good News of a Savior?            I believe the answer lies in the group I call…

Being Light and Hope for Mothers and their Babies

During the advent season, the birth of Christ is on our hearts and minds. Like Mary giving birth to Jesus in a stable, women around the world find there is “no room at the inn” during their tender days of pregnancy, delivery and early motherhood. With generous support from The Bolick Foundation, Lutheran World Relief…