Are there enough laborers and enough resources?

Rev. Jason Holland
PRESIDENT – Joshua Nations

Are there enough laborers and enough resources?

Check out a couple of stats before reading further.

WORLDWIDE: Total People Groups: 17,281

UNREACHED PEOPLE GROUPS: Defined as less than 2% Evangelical Christian.
• Total Unreached People Groups: 7,246
• Total Population of UPGs: 3.39 billion people
• Total Percentage of world: UPG’s make up 41.8% of world population

Luke 10:2 “He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

The global population continues to grow at a steady rate. Then UN projects global population to reach nearly 10 Billion people by 2050 or sooner. Most of the growth will take place in nations that are filled with Unreached People Groups and Frontier People Groups.

Additionally, our giving towards reaching the Unreached and Frontier People Groups is widely disproportionate to what is necessary for fulfilling the Great Commission.

• Only 1.7% of “Missions Giving” goes to work among Unreached Peoples: Estimated $1.28 billion (1.7% of the $75b for general “missions”) [2]
• For every $100,000 that Christians make, they give $1.83 to the unreached.

Jesus made it clear that the harvest is ready and the great need is for more laborers. Often when we (Christians in America) think of more laborers, we think only of men and women who will go live, work, and die in these nations. Yes, we need more full-time residential missionaries to be sent. However, there is another and often more fruitful model. The Joshua Nations model has been incredibly efficient, cost-effective, and powerful. Our model allows us to encourage, equip, and empower national (indigenous) missionaries within near culture people groups to go reach the Unreached and Frontier People Groups. This has been the model since our Founder, Dr. Russ Frase, launched Joshua Nations nearly 20 years ago. This model has allowed us to rapidly advance the Gospel message and disciple nations for the finishing of the Great Commission.

What shall we do? It is our responsibility to do the will of the Father. John 4:34-38 makes it very clear that our obedience is directly connected to laboring in the harvest. For many of us, going to a foreign mission field is not possible. Yet, your prayer support and financial support will make an eternal impact as Joshua Nations and our global team goes on your behalf. For that, we say thank you for standing with us and those who live in the most difficult unreached and frontier locations.

Joshua Nations is a faithful partner of The Bolick Foundation.