A Briefing from The Bolick Foundation – Feb 2024

Time to Reboot!

I love a task; the kind you list with nice little boxes so as you achieve each milestone you can make a big check mark. It feels good…doesn’t it? Sometimes being task-oriented doesn’t bring out the best in me. I take tasks personally, as though my reputation is on the line. I wrap myself up in work and focus my energy there, often losing sight of what is going on around me and most importantly the people around me. At times, I can feel this uneasiness rise within me and know this is not who I really am or who God wants me to be.
New Year resolutions, or anytime really, give us an opportunity to “reboot.” One of my resolutions for 2024, (yes, I am still working on them!), is to take time to engage with friends and family, check on those who are suffering or carrying burdens, wait patiently for others, sacrifice without complaining, and acknowledge that we all could use a smile, an extra prayer, or pat on the back. No response is needed, nothing is asked in return, and there is no task box to check.  I need this for my mental and emotional health. I believe a by-product of caring and sharing with others is a happy heart. It is time to reboot!

Read more here: https://mailchi.mp/9545d2dc6063/let-go-10688066