A Briefing from The Bolick Foundation – December, 2024


When the grands come to town, you can bet there is one treat that awaits them in the pantry…Lucky Charms!  Yes, these magically delicious treats have been a part of our family tradition since I was a tot.  

I have been holding on to an article that I read in USA Today some years back. The article takes us to an elementary school just before Christmas break. The teacher is sharing hugs as she is being blessed with generous gifts from her students including chocolates, jewelry, delicious desserts, and sweet notes. 

The teacher noted the most memorable gift received was a small bag of Lucky Charms marshmallows.  The bag was twisted at the top while it enveloped the colorful marshmallow shapes of hearts, clovers, moons, horseshoes, and stars. As the child handed her the gift, the teacher accepted it much like she had all the others. This child had little and even less to give. However, they sacrificed the sweet crunch of those sweet, colorful marshmallows to extend kindness to their teacher. This gift, seemingly small and of little value to many, had the greatest significance.

How many times in our lives have we been gifted something and not appreciated its true value? Every day we are freely given God’s grace and mercy; let us boldly embrace it. 

Read more here:  https://mailchi.mp/dd8f6fdf3942/let-go-11035124

(*credit USA Today)