A Briefing from The Bolick Foundation


If you have ever been the recipient of someone’s “pay it forward” kind word or deed, you know the uplift it can bring. It is remarkable how seemingly small gestures can leave a lasting impact on someone’s life. 

There are many stories of how the “pay it forward” movement began. I have been both the recipient and giver of “pay it forward.” Experiences such as leaving a quarter in the gumball machine for the lucky child who stumbles upon it, or paying for a cup of joe for the person behind you. On her 80th birthday, my Aunt Phyllis gave all nieces and nephews a generous gift of $80 to make a difference in someone’s life.  It was a wonderful gift of selflessness and the ripple effect of goodness in the world!

My most treasured memory of “pay it forward” was over 44 years ago, and its profound impression shaped my outlook today. I was dining at a lovely restaurant with my boyfriend at the time, later my husband. When it came time to leave, the server said, “the gentlemen seated in the corner has paid for your dinner.” Whoa! I was young, naïve, and from a family that did not have excess to pay for someone else’s meal.  My heart fills with love, compassion, selflessness, and wisdom when I reflect on that dinner. The ripple effect of such selfless acts can transform lives; it did mine!

Matthew 7:12 reads, “Do for others what you want them to do for you.” The next time you feel the urge to do something nice, listen closely. It may be the Holy Spirit nudging you to have influence in someone else’s life. 

Read more here: https://mailchi.mp/92a943ecf4e1/let-go-10743834