Spreading the Good News

Thank you so much for all your support of Vision Beyond Borders, especially for the Spanish and Farsi Bible Projects.

God has really blessed the Spanish Bible Project. We sent 22.000 Spanish Bibles to Panama. I was there a couple months back when we gave out 140 Bibles to the native people in the mountains. The next day Christians came from 10 different ministries and got 4,700 Bibles to distribute to prisons, drug rehabs and poor villagers. A week later they received 1,925 for kids in the public schools and the next week they picked up 1,000 for public high school.

We recently sent another container with 37,000 Bibles. They are giving 10,000 for the native peoples in the mountains and other ministries requested 16,000 Bibles. God is stirring a hunger for His word in Panama.

In the past year we have sent over 126,000 Bibles to help the churches there. There are also 98,000 Children’s story books about Jesus that should be arriving any day now. By God’s grace the door has opened to send many Bibles which are being shared with all the denominations in order to strengthen the Church.

In Colombia, we have sent 3 containers full of Bibles and there is a great hunger for God’s Word there. They are requesting 6 more containers of Bibles this year as there has never been such a hunger for God’s Word as there is now!

We are so grateful for the support of The Bolick Foundation to help make this a reality. Without your support many of the people would not have God’s Word.

Vision Beyond Borders is a faithful partner of The Bolick Foundation.