Unlikely Leaders

Disciple Making Movements

At New Generations, we often discuss the “unlikely leaders” God chooses to build His Kingdom—a theme woven throughout Scripture.
Moses, despite committing murder and lacking eloquence, led the people of Israel.
David, despite his adultery and murder, became King.
Peter, known for his impulsive nature, became a key figure in the early Church.

Despite their flaws, God used these unlikely leaders to fulfill His redemptive plan.

Today, we’d like to tell you about Krishna. Krishna’s story echoes this theme. Initially imprisoned for murder, he showed little interest in our prison Bible study, instead using its pages for rolling joints. Stricken with tuberculosis, he faced a grim prognosis.

As leaders of the prison fellowship, we decided to pray for Krishna. Over time, he was healed of his tuberculosis and put his faith in Jesus! Later, as his criminal case was being reviewed, no one came to testify against Krishna. So, his case was dismissed, and he was released early.   When released, we met him again outside the jail, and Krishna joined our DMM trainees. In 2022, Krishna, alongside Sai, another former convict, contributed to church-centric oral Bible translation in their village. As a natural leader, he helped not only translate passages into his own language but also into three other languages in his cluster of four languages.   Now, the audio Bible passages are being used to share the good news of Jesus with many people who are experiencing the same freedom in Christ that Krishna discovered. Together, they have seen 17 new Discovery Bible Studies started and eight churches planted with more than 120 disciples!   We want to thank you for your support of New Generations. When you invest through prayer, financial resources, and participation, you are part of movements of unlikely leaders around the world making waves in the Kingdom. Glory to God!    

New Generations is a faithful partner of The Bolick Foundation.