God At Work Around the World

We have now passed one year since you generously approved an initial funding request for the “SE Asia Evangelism Engagement Project”. I am writing to report to you on that project, for which we are grateful for your support. 

Secondly–your June gift was truly an encouragement, and allowed us to strategically share God’s Word in several new places. THANK YOU!

We praise God for all He has done through our Gospel Partner in SE Asia who provided this report:

“Our media team continues to follow up responses to Facebook ads we put out weekly. They chat with about 300 people a week. Since we started about a year ago, they have found: 

  • about 400 potential people of peace [whose names] are passed to field workers [for in-person follow-up]. 
  • 80 have professed [faith in Jesus]
  • and 39 have been baptized already!”

Hallelujah!  Your donation helped make this possible by increasing the productivity of the team with a dedicated office and the tools necessary for this work to flourish.  In the midst of this progress, our Gospel Partner experienced several challenges due to team staffing issues, a required move, and other adjustments — yet their report is testimony to God’s faithfulness and the importance of your prayers of support for workers in this difficult region. 

Other details provided by our partner regarding the “potential people of peace” God has brought to them through this outreach effort include the following: 

  • Reach: People from 9 provinces and 49 cities in this SE Asian country
  • Gender: 39% female, 61% male respondents 
  • Age range: From 18 to 66

Audio Scripture Ministries is a faithful partner of The Bolick Foundation.