A Briefing from The Bolick Foundation


While working to fulfill my New Year’s resolution, I decided to join The YMCA. I signed up online through an offer from my insurance carrier. Ready to rock this resolution, I arrived at The Y determined to exercise more and embrace a healthier lifestyle.

Much to my dismay, the young man at the front desk politely informed me that I probably signed up for an app rather than an actual membership. He couldn’t find my registration in their system. Really? My inner thoughts went into overdrive – I knew this would happen. It was too good to be true. 

Why do we often jump to see the wrong in a situation and overlook what’s right? We’re more inclined to fire off a negative review than to sing the praises of something positive. If I’m honest, I sometimes approach my relationship with God the same way. I focus on the unanswered prayers instead of focusing on the countless prayers He has answered.

Now, back to The Y. That beautiful soul at the front desk didn’t let my negativity linger. With a reassuring smile, he said, “No worries. Here’s a guest pass for you until we get this straightened out.” He didn’t stop there. Later that same morning, he called to let me know everything was sorted out and added, “We look forward to seeing you on your next visit!”

It was a small gesture, but it shifted my entire perspective. Isn’t it amazing how kindness can turn a frustrating moment into a reminder of all that is good?

Whenever we find ourselves stuck in a spiral of negativity, let’s pause and refocus. Take a deep breath and reflect on the wonders God has done and continues to do. Chances are, you’ll find the list far outweighs whatever is troubling you.
On a further note, I contacted The Y Director to let him know they have a real jewel at the front desk!
Read more here:https://mailchi.mp/ce60c9f9bfb8/let-go-11036374


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