Mission work is becoming more complex and therefore we must become more sophisticated in our approach. Shall we remove the human element and rely upon technology? Absolutely not. Our sophistication must take place in our approach. The sophistication happens when we get into research, analyze the data, and then build strategic plans on real data, not assumptions.
Joshua Nations is finishing a two-month research project in Pakistan. Our team has been traveling on motorcycles on the road, on dirt trails, and off-road to find every village within three undisclosed districts of a southern province. At the writing of this email, our survey team has discovered 531 unreached villages. Almost all of these villages have no church, no Christians, and most have never even met a Christian. By researching the region and collecting GPS coordinates, language, felt needs, religion, population, and more, we are able to build a comprehensive evangelism, church planting, and discipleship strategy. I will be traveling early next year to launch the vision, plan, and training process. However, please keep this project and all of our team members in prayer.
Joshua Nations is a faithful partner of The Bolick Foundation.