Christian Education Bible Camps

I am excited to inform you that our annual training of Christian education teachers and camp leaders was a great success, and attendance exceeded our expectations. We train annual Christian education leaders to ensure efficient and quality Sunday school programs in local churches and camps.

Before leading a camp, a camp leader must be trained. Teachers need to know how to teach, how to counsel, how to handle children in their age group, how to lead children to Christ, how to deal with children in abusive environments, how to create lesson plans, how to interact with children through crafts and games, how to use the camp booklet, how to teach memory verses, etc. No leader can lead Bible camps without training. Upon completion of training, leaders receive a manual and resources for training others. 2 Tim 2:2. To avoid leaders traveling long distances, we had to divide the 15 districts into smaller regions from 3–10 August. There was an average of between 30 and 70 in one area. A total of 193 participants came to the training centres. At the end of the training, each participant received a certificate of completion. This training is in preparation for the district camps on August 19–23 and the national camp at the end of the year. – Tarcisio

FIRM Foundation is a faithful partner of The Bolick Foundation.