The Front Line

Here is the latest partner ministry news from Awakening Lives to World Missions (ALWM). A key aspect of fruitful partnership with our ministries in predominantly unreached areas is providing resources they need to do ministry. That’s core to the definition of least reached – indigenous believers and their leaders need significant outside assistance! Our ALWM workers on the front lines reach people with the Gospel in places we could rarely visit, let alone minister fruitfully. One of our workers, for example, regularly visits Hindu villages to preach the Gospel. These visits are bearing fruit. When I asked if this was dangerous, he said, “Yes, sometimes but not always. My father has been beaten and chased several times.”

–Pastor Tom & Deuane Thorstad and family, arrived safely in Laos and have hit the ground running, as they just attended two key Bible Translation conferences. This is a central part of their call, in addition to leadership training.

–Pastor Dagaga Gemachu wrote yesterday: “Last week I was out of Nairobi for fasting and praying for four days. I remembered you in my prayer. Ministry is going well thank God Almighty.”
His ministry in Kenya is rooted in prayer and is bearing fruit among the Borana people in northern Kenya, as well as in Narirobi!

ALWM is a faithful partner of The Bolick Foundation.