Mesa Global

I am excited to announce that after much prayer our United World Mission board has unanimously decided to change our name to Mesa Global! We made this decision to strengthen us for a future of partnering with the global church in God’s mission.

In recent years, God led us into two mergers, first with the Latin America Mission (2014) and then with Overseas Council (2018). Together, we have a 230-year legacy of partnering for the sake of the gospel. As we reflected upon the strengths of our combined organization and the needs in global mission today, we felt led to refresh our vision and mission.

To see a flourishing church in every place,
embodying Jesus’ love for every person.

We equip servant leaders with the church for God’s mission.

We are blessed to work with amazing church, ministry, and seminary leaders globally who have tremendous vision for their nations and dedication to the Lord. We learn from them as we serve with them. Our new name emphasizes three words, “with the church,” from our mission statement and reflects our deep value of partnering in mission.

Mesa Global literally means, “Global Table.” It celebrates the global church and underscores the authentic relationships, mutuality, and servant posture needed for everything we do in ministry. Mesa is a Spanish word, but it has a similar meaning in many languages and the concept of “coming around the table” crosses cultures.

Our name, Mesa Global, is rooted in Jesus’ way of table fellowship. Jesus chose the table as a place to welcome sinners, wash feet, form disciples, and teach the Scriptures. Mesa Global also points to the end goal of our mission – the great banquet table to which all nations are invited (Rev. 7:9; 19:9 cf., Is 25:6). That will truly be a global table!

I assure you that while our name is changing, our doctrinal commitments remain unchanged as does our commitment to the Great Commission. Your gifts will continue to advance the same important gospel work as before, with a focus on equipping leaders in everything we do.

Thank you for walking with us on this journey through your prayers and faithful support.

Grace and peace to each of you!

John Bernard, President & CEO
Mesa Global is a faithful partner of The Bolick Foundation