Changing Lives

Gospelink extends its sincere gratitude for the support and joint participation of the Bolick Foundation in the spiritual work being done among the Unreached People Groups.

Church Plant Leader: Chatra

The targeted area of CPI Leader Chatra is in the Morang Region in Eastern Nepal. He has recently started a house fellowship in his region. Every Saturday the new believers meet for two hours of discipleship training and fellowship. Chatra and some of his disciples conduct Gospel seminars in the area and present the Gospel to those who are willing to hear. Of the seventy-five (75) people who have been willing to listen to the Gospel, seven (7) have accepted Jesus Christ.

Rita is one of the new believers. She is 51 years old. Rita had been suffering from stomach pain (a continual burning sensation inside her stomach) for an entire year. She had been to the hospital for treatment, but nothing they did seemed to help. One day when Chatra was doing outreach in his targeted area, he met Rita and shared the Gospel with her. She willingly accepted Jesus Christ and His forgiveness! Rita is now regularly attending the weekly fellowship. She is praying that her two daughters will also accept Jesus Christ as their Savior.

Church Plant Leader: Bhupendra

Bhupendra Shrestha was commissioned to join Gospelink at the end of 2022. He has already started small house fellowships in 5 (five) different places. Jesus is helping him in amazing ways in his work. Bhupendra and some of his disciples recently shared Gospel to ninety-eight (98) people. From among those who heard, ten (10) people accepted Jesus Christ. One of Bhupendra’s disciples, Umesh, has already been sent to a Discipleship Training School so that he can become a future CPI Leader.

One believer, Lila, was suffering from a skin problem which caused severe itching. She had been enduring this torment for two years, going to many doctors and even to a wizard (practicing black magic) seeking help, but without any success. The itching had only increased. When Bhupendra met this lady, he prayed for her disease to be healed. By the grace of God, Lila was cured! Seeing the power of God in Lila’s life, her whole family has now accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and have started a fellowship in their home.

Gospelink is a faithful partner of The Bolick Foundation.