Persian New Testament

Elam Ministries supported Iranian Christians who were out sharing the Gospel during the Persian New Year. One of them was Zahra. It was 15 years ago that Zahra first found a New Testament. In a private home in Iran where she worked as a cleaner, Zahra noticed the small red book on a shelf. Intrigued by the notorious ‘Injil’, she quietly slipped it into her bag.

As she later read her stolen Scriptures, Zahra’s heart warmed toward the person of Jesus. But she knew no Christians and over time her interest faded. To numb the stresses of life, Zahra started using drugs and became an addict for many years.

Then, five years ago, Zahra’s teenage daughter was diagnosed with cancer. Zahra got on her knees: “Jesus, if I give up drugs, will you heal my daughter?”

As Zahra’s daughter fought cancer, a relative, Mina, got in touch to offer support to the family. Mina had become a Christian and she noticed Zahra’s lukewarm interest in Jesus. “You aren’t really living for Christ,” Mina eventually challenged her.

Through Mina, Zahra put her trust fully in Jesus. She was freed from addiction, found fellowship, and started growing in faith.

Zahra’s daughter recovered from cancer but another tragedy was in store. In 2022, Zahra’s daughter was tragically killed on the streets of Iran while protesting during the ‘Women Life Freedom’ movement.

Zahra has walked a deeply painful road. Yet if you met this joyful, warm-hearted woman today, it would be hard to believe all she has been through.

Today, she loves to talk about Jesus, and the freedom and joy He brings.

During the recent Nowruz period, Zahra and other evangelists like her gave away 22,000+ New Testaments to interested Iranians across the Iran region.

Just as Zahra’s story started with a New Testament, we are praying that each of the people who received a New Testament would recognize it as the start of their own story with Jesus.

Elam Ministries is a faithful partner of The Bolick Foundation.