The ART of Conversations

Steiger missionaries Mandy and Josh opened up their apartment for a simple evangelistic event and saw God move. 

The couple hosted an art show in their apartment featuring pieces from Graham (a Steiger missionary) and Marisa, one of their non-Christian friends. They invited dozens of people they’d met in the past year–believers and nonbelievers alike–and prepared for the event. 

After a time of mingling, snacking, and looking at the art, Josh gathered everyone for a panel where both artists shared about their art and backstory. Marisa shared about her work and how she got started as an artist. 

Then Graham took the opportunity to talk not only about his art, but his motivation behind it and why the message within his art is important. It gave him space to share the gospel message. He spoke about many of the dark thoughts he used to have, and how he was set free from them because he found hope in Jesus. How, after meeting Jesus, he understood he was not an accident, but he was created out of love and knows that’s true because of what Jesus has done on the cross. After a few more questions, Josh closed out the panel for more food and music while everyone kept talking. That was the moment the personal conversations began, when the team could speak more intimately with people, and see how God was working more intricately in their lives.

Carlos was one of those who attended. He is a great musician, who plays the saxophone, and Josh and he often play together.

“He’s very much a global youth culture guy,” Josh described. “Mandy met him in a protest once. He’s an activist type of guy who would never go to a church.” 

Nevertheless, Carlos showed up to this art outreach event and even brought a friend with him. 

After he left, he texted Josh: “Man, I really want to tell you that I didn’t even realize how much I needed to be with people who are talking about what you are talking about. I need more of that, so I’m looking forward to the next time we do something like this together!” Carlos didn’t drop to his knees and pray the sinner’s prayer, but it was clear that God was working in his heart. The Minneapolis team is excited to continue getting to know him and his friend group, and are praying that the Holy Spirit will continue to work in his life and that he will surrender his life to Jesus soon.

Carlos didn’t drop to his knees and pray the sinner’s prayer, but it was clear that God was working in his heart. The Minneapolis team is excited to continue getting to know him and his friend group, and are praying that the Holy Spirit will continue to work in his life and that he will surrender his life to Jesus soon.

Steiger International is a faithful partner of The Bolick Foundation.